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roll bearings - China Manufacturer
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A, the basic concept of bearing life
According to the latest imported bearing fatigue life theory, a good design, material of excellence, and excellent manufacture and install the correct bearing, as long as the bear load enough easy (no more than this bearing the correspond ing a permanence limit load value), the bearing material will never fatigue damage. So, as long as the work environment temperature bearing appropriate and variation is not big, absolutely no solid dust and harmful gas and water into the bearings, bearing the lubrication full and proper, lubricant absolutely pure and without impurities,bearing manufacturers and not aging metamorphism...... , the bearing will be running down indefinitely.
This theory is of great significance is that it not only provides a more reliable than ISO life equation of modern bearing life prediction of tools, but because it shows all the fatigue life of import bearings has a considerable development potential, and showed the development way of this potential, so for bearing the development of the product, quality management and application technology has profound implications.
But, bearing in the conditions of the laboratory infinite only to be "realize", and such conditions in certain conditions for the use of the bearing, it is difficult to is too expensive.
The field use bearing, the working load are often more than its corresponding fatigue permanence limit load, in the work to a certain time limit, or later or earlier always due to call itself material fatigue limit, fatigue and cannot continue to use spalling. Even if some of the work load bearing is lower than its corresponding permanence limit load, will also need to the bearing because pollution problem and produce wear failure. In short, the use of the bearing is more or less always can t fully with these laboratory have those conditions, and a slight lack of any conditions, can shorten the time limit bearing available, creating bearing life problem.
Generally speaking, the import bearing life is to point to import bearings in the actual service conditions,bearing suppliers including the working conditions and environmental conditions and preventive maintenance and conditions), can maintain meet the requirements of the active work performance and work precision specialty service term.
Two, can be used to calculate the bearing life categories
The import bearings failure form varied, but most of the failure forms date no usable life calculation method, only fatigue life, wear life, lubrication life and budge life can through the calculation methods to evaluate quantitatively.
1, fatigue life in full and other conditions of use lubrication under normal operation of import bearings is often caused by fatigue spalling and failure, the term fatigue life can sample check relevant data, according to the rules of the formula and calculation program to certain reliability calculated.
2, wear life machine main bearing take large diameter to assure the high stiffness, for the size of the bearing corresponding also big, in the far by the end of fatigue limit before, often for wear and lost to precision that he can t continue to use, to this kind of bearing must use wear life to Xun the possibility of service period. In fact, the use of the most excessive wear and bearing for failure, so must also consider the wear life problem.
3, lubrication life for double sealed with the main bearing grease lubrication, a fill after fat no longer added fatliquoring, this time the bearing life will depend on a roll the service life of the fat.
4, budge erosion life winch, cantilevered up miniature juki and gear transmission, and clutch bearings in the agency, in the running state produced by vibration load the budge erosion damage. Often can develop into bearing failure of the leading causes of such institutions of bearing, sometimes need to calculate its budge erosion life.china bearing supplier