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spherical roller bearing - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my spherical roller bearing, Tel: 0379-64331653, E-mail: info@lyvsg.com
First open the slewing ring package, check the certificate and sign to confirm that the correct type of slewing ring.
A, mounting surface
The mounting surface should be smooth, to remove all exce ss material such as paint residues, bead, burr. Cleaning be careful not to allow the solvent to penetrate inside the slewing ring can not be used to damage the sealing material of the solvent. Assembly prior to mounting surface should be dry and free of lubricant. Should take measures to protect workers and the environment. thin section ball bearing
Install the bearing mounting surface roughness of not more than Ra = 12.5,6.3 μm, the mounting surface flatness of the errors to be detected weeks to the error and the radial error. With slewing ring raceway diameter the Zhou Xiangping surface tolerance values ââand the corresponding standard value range (with specific reference to the relevant standards, the radial error measurement based on the actual flange width, radial half of the plane tolerance values ââtake Zhouxiang Gong difference) .
In order to avoid t he installation plane roughness or bearing deformation causing local overload slewing ring, Zhou Xiangping surface error in any 180-degree range, there can be only one undulating, and changes smoothly.
B, the bearing stiffness
Standard slewing ring with zero gap slewing ring bearing rigidity have different requirements. As follows:
Raceway diameter (mm) 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3500
Ball of the license standard slewing ring deformation (mm) 0.31 0.40 0.53 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2 1.5
Roller-type 0.24 0.30 0.36 0.41 0.53 0.60 0.68 0.90
Ball slewing ring zero clearance permit deformation (mm) 0.22 0.28 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.68 0.80 1.08
Roller-type 0.16 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.62
C, positioning
Slewing ring inside and outside the ring raceway has a soft zone, should be placed on both sides of the plane of the main load. Staggered 90 degrees with the main load area. The soft band at a blocked or hit the "S" mark .
Also check the slewing ring and the mounting surface of the anastomosis, usually using a feeler, if the fit is poor, use of appropriate materials filling. Prohibited in welding operations on the bearing slewing ring installation.
D, sturdy bolt
1, the choice of mounting bolts
Use (size, quantity, strength grades, etc.) to install the bolts and washers. Also note:
Can not use threaded bolts
Do not use the old bolts, nuts and washers
Prohibition of use to open the washer, such as spring washers, etc. thin bearing
2, the bolt tightening torque to select
Ordinary metric bolt preload is recommended to take 0.6-0.7 times the bolt yield strength. Should more than the M27 bolts using a hydraulic fastening device, the preload should not exceed 85% of the yield strength.
3, the fastening bolts
The slewing ring should be installed no-lo ad conditions. Note:
Rubbed a little oil in order to ensure the equilibrium of the frictional resistance is not a bolt locking with plastic bolt threads.
Preload bolts: three steps staggered preload force of three steps was 30%, 80%, 100%.
Adjust the gear backlash
Installation toothed slewing ring is very important to correctly adjust the gear backlash. The highest point in gear runout measured with a feeler adjustment can also be used to lead wire or other suitable method. If the backlash is not within the specified value, removable pinion change the center distance. Slewing ring it is set to at least turn a full circle to make sure that no other tooth jump points in the final fixed and then check the slewing ring counterfeit backlash gap. Gear runout to the highest point marked with green paint in the grooves.
F, for the first time lubrication
1, roller lubrication
Fully to ensure lubrication prior to initial use should reraise a dr awing or product manual provisions grease. Special attention to all of the nozzle into a grease, the best side to turn the slewing ring side oiling, until you see grease squeezed out from the ring.
2, gear lubrication
Lubrication in the gear tooth surface should be clean. Recommendations with a clean brush brush to grease the gears. thin section ball bearings