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ball roller bearing - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my ball roller bearing, Tel : 0086-0379-64390888, E-mail: liuping@lyzyc.cc
In recent years, due to the continuous improvement of the quality of bearing steel (of course, prices are rising), FAG be a substantial increase in its load capacity. Research results and practical experience have proved that today s standard rolling bearing steel bearings, infinite fatigue strength can be achieved in a well-oiled environment clean and load case.double row bearing
FAG production of silicon nitride balls for ceramic spindle bearings. Ceramic balls are much lighter than the ball, centrifugal force and friction significantly small than steel balls. Bearing this in grease lubrication can still achieve high speed and long life, low operating temperature.engine bearings
FAG rolling bearing rings and rolling the heat treatment process to ensure that the bearing of 150 degrees or less dimensionally stable. For higher temperatures, the need to use a special heat treatment method. If the bearings in a corrosive environment, you need to bearing steel engage corrosive. Standard stainless steel bearings in the code plus the prefix " S" and the suffix "W203B"
The main dimensions and carrying capacity of the bearing and the overall hardening bearing steel bearing is the same. In order to maintain its corrosion resistance, in the process of installation and use of the surface can not be damage.
The performance of rolling bearings depends largely on its material properties. FAG is usually the overall hardening of low alloy, high purity chromium steel as manufacturing material of the bearing rings and rolling elements. Withstand high impact loads and alternating bending stress of the bearing, the use of case-hardened steel.NTN bearig