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angular ball bearing - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my angular ball bearing, Tel: 0379-64331653, E-mail: info@lyvsg.com
Use the main factors is the installation and adjustment, maintenance, maintenance and repair, such as compliance with the technical requirements. Outside Sphere surface bearing insta llation, use, maintenance, maintenance of technical requirements, Sphere surface bearing operation outside withstand the load, speed, operating temperature, vibration, noise and lubrication condition monitoring and inspection, abnormal immediately find out the reasons , to adjust, to return to normal. Installation conditions is one of the primary factors in the use of factors bearing often due to improper installation force state changes between the various parts of the complete bearing, bearing operation in the normal state and early termination of the life of the internal factors three factors to determine the bearing quality refers to the structural design, manufacturing processes and materials quality. high speed bearing
Metallurgical quality of the bearing material once the main factors affecting the rolling bearing to early failure. With the advances in metallurgical technologies (such as bearing steel vacuum degassing), to improve the quality of the raw materials. The proportion of the raw material quality factors in bearing failure analysis has decreased significantly, but it is still one of the main factors bearing failure. The selection is still bearing failure analysis must consider the factors properly.
Bearing manufacturing generally after forging, heat treatment, turning, grinding and assembly of multi-channel processing. Reasonable process, advanced, stability can also affect the outside Sphere surface bearing life. Which affect the quality of products bearing the heat treatment and grinding process, tend to have a more direct relationship with the failure of the bearing. In recent years, the study showed that the affected layer of the bearing surface, the close relationship of the grinding process with the bearing surface quality.
Bearing service life analysis of the main tasks is based on a lot of background material, analysis of data, and failure m odes to identify the main factors causing bearing failure, so that targeted improvement measures are proposed to extend the tour of duty bearings to avoid bearing the occurrence of sudden of the early failure.double bearing