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grinding spindle - China Manufacturer
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In recent years, the increasing in demand on thin galvanized sheet, electro-galvanized sheet production technology rapid development.
2030mm continuous electro-galvanized unit annual capacity of 150,000 tons.high-speed bearings
2030mm continuous electro-galvanizing line products sided galvanized sheet, double-sided galvanized sheet and different thickness galvanized sheet and other types of zinc plate. The main indicators:
Plate thickness :0.5-2 .5 mm, width 900-1550mm;
The thickness of the coating: double-sided plated 3-40g/m2, different thickness galvanized coating thickness can be adjusted within sided plated zinc layer thickness of up to 80g/m2.
Continuous electro-galvanizing process: cleaning a plating a post-treatment.
(1) clean. The cleaning process includes degreasing, pickling, brushing. The skim is divided chemical degreasing and electrolytic degreasing. Chemical degreasing, NaOH, NaC03 NaP04 and other drugs on animal and vegetable oils from the saponification, from the mineral oil emulsification.
(2) plating. 2030mm continuous electro-galvanizing line jet insoluble anode plating tank. The increase in the horiz ontal groove in the manifold of the ejection of the plating solution, the soluble zinc anode insoluble Pb-Sn alloy anode instead.angular contact ball bearing
(3) post-processing. The after-treatment in the electro-galvanized main purpose is to improve the paintability and corrosion resistance of the galvanized surface of the plate in order to extend the service life of the electro-galvanized sheet. Post-processing of the electro-galvanized comprising:
1) activation treatment and phosphate treatment. Phosphate treatment is to make the galvanized sheet surface to generate a very thin layer of rugged phosphide layer crystal painting performance improvement, but the phosphide layer of the surface of the crystal is very uneven. In order to make the crystallization of the phosphide layer fine and uniform, in the phosphating treatment before the first activation process. The activation t reatment is to make the surface of the galvanized sheet formation of small crystal nuclei. Such phosphating, phosphate layer is formed on these Summary nuclei phosphate layer, thereby forming a fine and uniform phosphate coating its thickness is 1.O-2.0g/m2. Activation treatment using colloidal titanium phosphate solution, the temperature is 30-60 ° C, the time of 1-2s can. Dihydrogen phosphate, zinc phosphate treatment + organic phosphorus (phosphate starch), a temperature of 60 ° C, 5-6s.
2) sealing treatment and chromium processing. Phosphide membrane cavities closed with a coating to improve the corrosion resistance, the use of dilute chromic acid, a temperature of 45 ° C, the processing time is about 3s. For sealing processing of chromic acid concentration of 0.12g / L. A thin layer of the passivation film is formed by the zinc surface of the sealing treatment. If you need to further improve the corrosion resistance, can be chromated zinc plate after ph osphating processing. Chromium processing solution used in the component and the same component as the sealing treatment solution used, but the concentration of each component is different. Mass concentration of the chromic acid chromium processing lOg / L, the processing time is about 5S, a temperature of 25-35 ° C. The thickness of the passivation film formed by the surface of the zinc plate after the chromium processing 15-40mg/m2, the steel sheet has a good protective effect.double row ball bearing