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roller ball bearings - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my roller ball bearings, Tel : 0086-0379-64390888, E-mail: liuping@lyzyc.cc
Different structural forms of driveline products, reasonable configuration solutions, is the key to the drive train assembly. Once the program is unreasonable, like the direction of the error, hard to do things perfect, incomp lete assembly program will be a direct result of the defective product into the market, and daily repeat the error, which is currently a number of manufacturers annual after-sales costs climbing .
In addition, the traditional assembly mode are qualitatively assembly, product assembly without accurate quantitative assessment, therefore, can not track the improvement of the quality of product assembly. For the three structures, we propose a digital assembly program, this program has been widely used in the production line.
1. Preload the bearing inner ring
For this structure, typical applications include: the knuckle tightening machine, wheel nut tightening machine.
How it works: tighten the machine to tighten the nut,
The sensor random track changes nut torque, synchronous detection hub bearing preload torque, tightening torque to the wheel hub bearing and nut tightening torque are in line with the set value. Green window display qualified; Otherwise, the red window displays unqualified.ceramic ball bearing
Tighten the sensor accuracy: ± 1%
Rotation detection sensor accuracy: 0.1%
2. Gasket preload
For this structure, typical applications: the gearbox selected pad machine, the main tooth election pad machine, differential Select pad.
How it works: servo motor load, preload bearing outer ring
Synchronous detection of bearing preload when the bearing preload reach the set range of technology, stop under pressure, axial self-locking; run-in and testing to confirm the torque, qualified, measuring E1.
Measurement accuracy: measurement accuracy: ± 0.015MM
The retesting accuracy: ± 0.01MM
3. Bellows deformation preload
For this structure, typical applications: main gear nut tightening machine, the splitter from the tooth nut tightening machine.cross roller bearing
How it works: the servo system differential tighten the large nut, random track changes nut torque, by sensors automatically detect, random track changes in the bearing rotational torque; actual bearing preload torque value and nut tightening torque, and setting The process parameters automatically compare, until the bearing rotating torque and nut tightening torque actual torque value reaches the set range, the servo motor is stopped, a green light indicates qualified.
When the nut to the process minimum torque, bearing rotational torque beyond the maximum set of processes, that is, as unqualified release, suggesting that the spacer too soft and alarm.
When the nut to process the maximum torque, of bearing rotation torque yet to process set the minimum sentence for the unqualified, release, suggesting that spacer too hard and alarm.
Tighten the sensor accuracy: ± 1%, and rotation detection sensor accuracy: 0.1%