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engine bearings - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my engine bearings, Tel : 0086-0379-64390888, E-mail: liuping@lyzyc.cc
Machinery and equipment during the installation process, typically stand-alone commissioning and linkage debugging, its purpose is to verify the reliability of the equipment to
work, but often have to face a lot of unexpected anomalies in practical work. Only effective analysis and processing of these "anomalies" in practical work, in order to make the
mechanical equipment installation engineering normal operation.ball bearing companies
, Mechanical equipment installation Profile
Installation of machinery and equipment transport equipment from the factory to the construction site, with some of the tools and equipment necessary construction equipment is
properly installed to a predetermined position, and reach through debugging operation conditions of use. A mechanical device can successfully put into production, the ability to
give full play to its performance and prolong the life of the equipment and to improve the quality of products produced, largely determine the quality of the installation of
machinery and equipment.industrial bearings
General process of mechanical equipment installed
Various machinery and equipment installation process generally must be: lifting and transportation equipment out-of-the-box inspection, actinomycetes in place, fixed equipment,
cleaning and adjustment of the parts assembly and component assembly, commissioning and project acceptance. The difference is that, in these processes, using different methods,
different mechanical devices, For example, during the installation process, the split installation method is taken for large equipment, while the small device is used the
overall installation method.
Mechanical equipment installation construction content
Including the installation of the lifting and transportation of equipment, machinery and equipment as a whole and parts assembly, pipe fittings, installation and commissioning
of the cutting and welding, and assembly of the internal parts of a variety of containers, motor installation, instrumentation and automatic control device, pressure test and
trial operation work.
Mechanical equipment installation and construction requirements
First to strictly ensure the quality of the equipment installed in accordance with design drawings, equipment structure diagram, installation instructions and rules of
construction inspection, quality inspection and assessment standards and operating procedures for the proper construction, followed by even using the scientific method of
construction, speed up the progress of the project, ensure the production schedule.high-speed bearings
Second, the process of mechanical equipment installation commissioning
Bearing temperature.
Fan bearings abnormal temperature rise three categories: poor lubrication, cooling is not enough, and abnor mal bearing. Centrifugal fan bearings placed fan bearing fatigue wear
peeling pits, the gap increases temperature rise. The general bearing sound and measuring vibration can listen to judge the case of poor lubrication, cooling is not enough
reason you can judge through visual, Shoumo intuitive way. The axial flow fan bearings focused on the bearing box, placed in the bottom of the inlet chamber, As the fan is
running, it is difficult to determine when the high bearing temperature occurs, is that the bearings have a problem, or the problem of lubrication, cooling. Actual debugging and
running should first solve the problem in the following aspects.
First, fuel whether it is appropriate shall, in accordance with the manufacturer instructions provided refueling request to the bearing housing. Sometimes bearing refueling high
temperature, major refueling excessive. At this phenomenon as the temperature continued t o rise, reaching a certain point (in general higher than the normal operating
temperature of 10 ° C-L5) will remain unchanged, and then will gradually decrease.
Second, the lack of cooling fan cooling air flow. Induced draft fan at the flue gas temperature of 120-140 â, bearing box if no effective cooling. Bearing temperature will
rise. Relatively simple solution is the hub side bearing set compressed air cooling and electricity conservation. May not be turned on when the temperature is low, the
compressed air cooling, the temperature is high, open air cooling. Confirm the above-mentioned problems and then check the bearing housing.
2. Bearing vibration
The fan bearing vibration is a the run common fault. Fan vibration can cause damage to the bearings and blades, loose bolts, chassis and wind Road damage such as failure to
seriously jeopardize the safe operation of the wind turbine.
The fan itself caus ed by the vibration of fan vibration, in general from the vibration source itself. Inhomogeneity rotating component materials; unbalanced the rotor mass
produced by the manufacturing and processing errors; installation, maintenance, poor quality; adjust bad fan operation when the load changes; rotor wear or damage to the front
and rear guide vane wear, deformation; import and export block The plate opening adjustment is not in place; bearings and bearing failure, and so on. Can produce small
interference force the fan vibration. In this regard, the fan running. Must take a series of measures to reduce or eliminate vibration, such as the fan impeller and guide vanes
after preventive treatment, bearing the use of imported high-quality products, the high strength bolts of the bearing housing and the end plate of the core barrel locking
measures taken, improved support of the core barrel is fixed, increasing the wire; a nd strict maintenance process quality, to increase fan operation vibration monitoring
devices, and so on.
The vibration of the air duct system to cause vibration of the fan flue duct vibration is usually caused by forced vibration of the fan. This is a production prone and easy to
overlook. Proliferation of fan outlet tube with the load increases. Intake, the amount of wind increases. Vibration will change, only four fulcrum of the lower part of the
general diffusion tube, the other side of the connector asbestos canvas soft joints. So that the entire 60% by weight of the diffusion tube to the suspension force. In view of
this situation, the diffusion tube outlet end of the following to add a live fulcrum, may go down as removable. When the unit load changes, just fine-tuning the fulcrum to
eliminate vibration.
3. Surge
In the fan during the operation, when the traffic is continuously reduced to Qmin value, the airflow into the cascade separation occurs in the separation zone along the
direction of rotation of the impeller and the angular velocity smaller than the impeller rotation speed of movement, which is rotating detachment. When the rotation from the
spread to the entire channel, make the fan outlet pressure suddenly dropped significantly, while not immediately reduce the pressure in the pipe network, so the gas pressure in
the pipe network is greater than the pressure at the fan outlet, the gas pipe network back fan, did not stop until the fan outlet pressure dropped below the pressure in the pipe
network. Next, a blower supply to the pipe network, the backflow of gas pressure out, which in turn causes the flow reduction of the machine, the pressure is suddenly dropped
again, the gas in the pipe network in the re-back to the fan, so the cycle generated in the entire system, cyclical low frequency high amp litude of the pressure pulsation and
airflow oscillation phenomenon and making much noise, machine generated intense vibration, as well as unable to work, which is surging. Whether to enter the surge conditions,
can be judged according to the different conditions of the fan running.
First, listen to the outlet pipe of the measured fan airflow noise. High the close breath vibration conditions, the noise generated by the outlet gas streams in ducts produce
cyclical changes. When entering the breath vibration conditions, the noise surge now even a sonic boom.
Second, the observations fan outlet pressure and inlet flow changes. Outlet pressure of normal working hours and little change in the inlet flow, when entering the surge area,
both changes.
Third, the observation of the vibration of the body. Entering the surge area, the body and the bearing will occur strong vibration. The main way to prevent the surge duct
deflated. In the bypass pipe is provided on the outlet duct, once the air volume is reduced to the Qmin values of the valve on the bypass pipe automatically play an open gas
flow increases imported at this time, the operating point by the surge area to move to the stable operation region, thereby eliminating the intake flow, caused by excessive
angle of the possibility of stall and surge occurs. Inlet guide vanes regulate air flow, as conditions change, the guide vanes rotate to change the channel area to adapt to the
requirements of the new conditions, to avoid air stall, which can effectively prevent the fan surge.
4 rotor blades jam
Axial wind rotor blades adjust to change on both sides of the hydraulic cylinder hydraulic differential achieve through the transmission mechanism driven slide valve. Axial fan
running, and sometimes there will be a phenomenon of the moving blade adjustment difficult or can no t be adjusted. This phenomenon is usually considered to be the fan regulate
the oil system failure and wheel damage to the internal adjusting mechanism. But in practice usually is another reason, a certain gap between the wind rotor blades and the hub
in order to achieve the angle adjustment of the movable leaf, but incomplete combustion caused by the carbon dirt or dust clogging the gap forming the rotor blade adjustment
difficulties. Move leaves jam phenomenon is relatively common in the oil-fired boiler and boiler water film dust, solve the measures:
First, debugging and running as much as possible to make fuel or coal burning full, reduce carbon black, an appropriate increase in the exhaust gas temperature and inlet air
temperature, to avoid sulfur in the flue gas condensation in the air preheater.
Steam blowing pipe set in the impeller, the impeller clean when the fan is switched off, keep the impeller clean stea m pressure ≤ 0.2Mpa ≤ 200 ° C temperature. The rapid
development of modern industry, more and more special conditions, special structure, restrictions by special circumstances, need to use a variety of non-standard bearings.
Design my company a mud pump crankshaft connecting rod bearing in the case of a special structure. Mud pump when working through the gear drive, drives the crankshaft rotates
through the connecting rod is connected to the crankshaft and the piston, to drive the piston reciprocating pump working.
1 crankshaft bearings
As can be seen, the piston reciprocating, there is a greater radial shock loads, crankshaft using cylindrical roller bearings can withstand large radial impact load. The whole
bearing can not be installed due to the structural limitations of the crankshaft, the split structure requires the use of an adapter sleeve bearing structure. As can be seen
from Figure 1, the bearing with the Department positioning device, unable to locate the bearings, also can not tighten the bearing, therefore adopted four cylindrical roller
bearings. Bearing diameter size increase, and the taper structure designed to facilitate installation. Tight sets is the structure of the two-body, bearing assembly has put into
the crankshaft mating surfaces are assembled into bearing adapter and then two and a half between them with the suit crankshaft bearing diameter cone, tighten the lock nut,
bearings fixed on the crankshaft, and easy to install.
Mud pump after working for a period of time, the adapter sets will happen with the bearing inner diameter surface meshing, the repair or replacement of the bearings, bearing
very difficult to disassemble the equipment, design adapter sleeve adapter kit plus oil line (Fig. 2), high pressure oil from the inlet pressure into the co-ordination with the
bearing surface through the oil passage in the hydraulic oil film is formed, so that the contact surface of the frictional resistance reduction, bearing easy disassembly, they
can do so tight sets withdrawal Apply.
2 piston with bearings
At the connection of the piston and connecting rod, the smaller radial cross-section, not only the bearings can withstand greater radial load, but also requires simple, compact,
and easy disassembly, therefore adopted four cylindrical roller bearings. Be seen from Figure 3, the outer ring and a roller as an outer component. Cylindrical pin as the inner
ring of the bearing, so can save space and increase the diameter of the rolling element bearing carrying capacity. Cylindrical roller bearings low friction coefficient, high
precision manufacturing, easy accessibility, easy maintenance and replacement.
Affect their life due to the serious the bearing work environment pollution, to prevent sediment and dust from entering the bearing, dust cover, form a closed sealed bearings at
both ends of the installation, to ensure the normal operation of the bearing.
The user s actual application results show that the two types of bearings in line with the use of the site, has good reliability, and fully meet the production requirements.
Third, timely adjustment of fixed vane opening, to prevent the leaves for a long time in an open degree caused fouling, after the outage of the wind turbine rotor blades should
intermittently activities at 0 ~ 55 °.
Fourth, regular checks of the transmission mechanism of the rotor blades, the appropriate add oil.
In short, as raising the level of China s machinery manufacturing performance, efficiency and reliability of the various types of machinery and equipment is catching up, or more
than similar foreign products, but in the case of failure of the actual debugging and r unning is still more to improve the system design and do good debugging run before work,
pay close attention to the machinery and equipment during operation anomalies, strengthen maintenance machinery and equipment are to improve the reliability of the key.